
VCE Legal Studies and Politics Study Tour of Canberra

It was far too early on a Sunday morning for 44 of the best and brightest of legal and politics students to  embark on a three day journey to the nation’s capital. While many sought sleep on the bus and plane (and later in the High Court), we arrived at Canberra before 10am to visit the National War Memorial, showcasing exhibits from the first World War to the current situation in Afghanistan. The High Court of Australia was next on our visit, to learn more about the way our judicial system functions.

We then finished the day with a spectacular trivia night involving questions about TV,  politics, and general knowledge. After a grueling battle the year 11 group managed to triumph over the year 12 team.

The next day was jam-packed with adventures to the National Museum of Australia, where we learnt about our diverse culture. This was followed by a trip to the National Capital Planning Display where we discovered how Canberra become the capital of Australia. We finally learnt about the 1975 double dissolution of parliament at Old Parliament House. We had a role-play of the events between Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam and the lead up to the famous words; God save the Queen", because nothing will save the Governor-General” on the steps of old Parliament.

The last night ended with a relaxing-and in some cases overly competitive game of mini-golf.

The last day was filled with a tour of new parliament  house which was filled with quality information and lots of pictures of ex-Prime Ministers. The day also had an education element where we learnt about the AEC and the electoral process, as well as the law-making process.

Overall it was an awesome camp and a great experience to help us with our studies in Legal and Politics.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs.

Thanks Mr Cukierman, Mr Machin, Ms Cozens,  and a special mention to Ms Arena for organising the trip.

Tom Krieser and Ellen Nichols, Year 11
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