
Ski Trip

On the wrong side of dawn; at 3:20 in the morning, 72 bleary eyed year tens lugging pillows and ski gear stood gathered on the curb outside McKinnon Secondary College.

We were soon herded onto the waiting buses and we were off, most of us spending the subsequent four hour long drive in a state of semi consciousness.

We arrived at seven am at what must be close to the pinnacle of Australian ski culture; Mt Buller. Many were excited to ski for the first time, some were excited to see snow for the first time. After a quick breakfast, we hired our gear and hit the slopes - most skiing, some snow boarding.

We split into groups depending on our ability; never-skied-before, beginners,
intermediate and advanced, and a we had lessons to assist us in getting started.

Once the fresh snow hit our skis, our sleepiness disappeared and we were ready for
a fun, snow filled day. Soon students were skiing down the slopes, while others
tumbled. Everyone stopped at the ABOM for a lunch break. Everyone had a great
time skiing, boarding and falling in the snow with their friends for the rest of the

At four we met back up at the hire shop to return all of our gear, jumped back on the
bus for the trip home, stopping only for photos in the car park and Yea for dinner, the
long day catching up with us all. We made it back to McKinnon by nine pm - 17 ½
hours after leaving that very morning. It was a long day but the lack of sleep was
worth it. It was so much fun mucking around in the snow all day with our friends.

Many thanks to all the teachers involved, for schlepping us all the way there and
back in one piece. It was a day to remember.

Anika Duggan

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