
National Science Week

August 14-18 was National Science Week. The Science Faculty celebrated in a number of ways:

During lunchtimes the students were displaying their kinetic sculptures, making very large bubbles, testing medieval machines, exhibiting their science themed baked goods, experiencing Oculus Rift, learning how to handle lizards, stick insects and snakes and establishing an animal care group.

During science classes the teachers were posing scientific problems for the students to solve, students were engaged in paper engineering tasks and science based games.
VCE students have competed in the National Science Olympiad examinations. Prizes for the various competitions that will be awarded at a future assembly.

Special incursions and workshops have also been organised for Year 9 students and Year 11 and 12 Biology students.
There have also been presentations to students by Dr Mark Norman who is the Chief Environmental Scientist at Parks Victoria and from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, who spoke about antibiotics.

A number of Year 10 and 11 students attended an all-day STEM workshop at Quantum.

The Science Faculty was also granted the rights to show winning documentary films from the International Science Film Festival.

Congratulations to the Science Learning Area Manager, Ms Sweeney and her dedicated team.

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