
Year 10 Drama Night

The Semester 2 Year 10 Drama Night was on Wednesday Novemeber 6th. in the Alan Lawrence Lecture Theatre. The night was well attended by supportive family, friends and staff members.
The year 10 class had faced the challenge of choosing their own scripts to interpret, two pieces were written by the students and were written beautifully exploring challenging themes and ideas.
Each group also had to direct the piece, costume themselves, design their sets and also create lighting plots.  The class rose to the challenge and were able to complete all areas of the task successfully.
There were 7 pieces in total and offered a range of styles, from the humorous to the serious, from the light-hearted pieces to the dark and deep ones. There was something on offer for everyone and the audience were thoroughly entertained and mesmerized overall.
All class members gave truly inspired performances and should be congratulated on their successes.

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